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    云南成考网> 成考试题题库列表页> 48. Why did the writer want to have a canoe trip with her boyfriend?


    卷面总分:150分     试卷年份:2021    是否有答案:    作答时间: 150分钟   

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    48. Why did the writer want to have a canoe trip with her boyfriend?

    • A、To wait for a proposal of marriage.

    • B、 To prove she was tougher than her boyfriend.

    • C、 To show she had basic life skills.

    • D、 To prove her ability to meet challenges.

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    52. What is the main reason for reducing salt in food?

    • A、To improve the flavor of food.

    • B、To decrease the time for processing food.

    • C、To extend the shelf-life of food.

    • D、 To protect people against heart diseases.

    42. Which of the following is true about Sweden' s recycling revolution?

    • A、The government encourages people to store used goods. 

    • B、Scientists are funded in inventing new clothing materials.

    • C、The kids must put the cartons into the recycling station.

    • D、People may buy new clothes cheaper after returning old ones.

